Logo - Ruth Perednik
SMIRA Associate

Information for Parents

We offer rich and varied online resources, distilled over the years through clinical experience treating thousands of clients, pinpointing the tools and strategies that best helped children/teens overcome selective mutism

Ruth Perednik
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Our Method

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Morbi at iaculis velit. Curabitur convallis dignissim nisl, auctor facilisis arcu feugiat non. Curabitur congue odio vel ex maximus vestibulum. Aenean sodales luctus mi at blandit.

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Key learning areas

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Portrait of sad son hugging his dad

10 sessions guidance
from Ruth Perednik

10-hour long sessions one-on-one, with psychologist Ruth Perednik, who will guide parents, teachers, keyworkers, and sometimes the child or teen, so that these significant adults can acquire and implement understanding and strategies to help the child/teen progress and speak more freely with peers and adults.

Intensive one-week treatment
in your home and school

A 6-day intensive intervention with psychologist Ruth Perednik, or with one of her team of therapists, in which she will initially help your child speak to her, and then enable her/him to talk in school, or wherever, and with whoever she/he is selectively silent. She will work with parents, teachers and the child/teen, teaching all strategies and tools, and hopefully moving your child to freer communication and lower anxiety.

Online Therapy

Happy children standing upside down

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