A few pointers for parents of kids with selective mutism

  1. Believe in your child – the more you believe in her the more she will believe in herself
  2. Don’t constantly talk and ask about with whom he did or didn’t talk today – it raises his anxiety level and his feeling like a failure!
  3. See your child as so much more than someone with a difficulty (SM) – see him as a person who sings, dances, is wise, kind, funny…….
  4. Be aware that the sensitivity that caused the SM can be channeled in the future to meaningful relationships and a deep understanding of the world
  5. Help her develop her talents and her personality so that she has achievements to feel good about
  6. Look around to find the warmest, most understanding school environment you can
  7. Invite potential friends home – and ensure a good time is had 
  8. Get the best, most experienced therapist you can find, as early on as possible

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