Schedule a free consultation with Ruth Perednik

Premium Treatment Options

Children or teens with selective mutism suffer; they can’t be the relaxed, communicative people they are at home! Yet there is effective, evidenced-based treatment which has helped thousands of children find their voices – take a look at how we can help your child move from silence to speech.

״This treatment was life changing, it set Liam free to be himeslf!״
Liam's mom

What are the premium treatment options?

Premium Treatment with Ruth Perednik to Help Your Child Overcome Selective Mutism

Wherever you live – you can have access to the highest level of guidance – pioneer SM therapist Ruth Perednik, who has helped thousands of children throughout the world overcome selective mutism. This treatment includes multiple one-on-one sessions with psychologist Ruth Perednik, who will guide parents, teachers, key workers, and sometimes the child or teen, to acquire and implement understanding and strategies enabling the child/teen to progress toward overcoming SM.

You will receive several comprehensive online video courses to guide all significant adults in the child’s life to understand SM and to learn effective interventions to help your child communicate freely everywhere. This includes a 9-session course for parents giving you in depth understanding and packed with practical strategies to help your child. You will receive a resource package for teachers including many videos, teachers’ tools and important information guidelines. Additionally, you will receive a 15 hour, in depth therapist/keyworker’s online course, for any specific person working with your child in school or clinic.

We will be with you, side by side, throughout our guidance package – you will have ongoing support with our skilled staff for any questions or issues that arise – we aim to give you all the tools and support we have to engender your child overcoming selective mutism, in the most empowering way.

Please press here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our skilled staff to see if this is just what your child needs to overcome selective mutism.

Portrait of sad son hugging his dad

Intensive one-week treatment in your home and school

A 5-day intensive intervention with psychologist Ruth Perednik, or one of her team; initially she’ll help your child speak to her, then help her/him to talk in school, and wherever she/he is selectively silent. She’ll work with parents, teachers and the child/teen.  This is an almost magical intervention – seeing how much a child can be helped in a short space of time!  Press here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation to see if this treatment suits your child’s needs

Contact Us

Contact us to hear more about our treatment and training options - our passion is helping children and teens find their voices!