A list of games that lower anxiety levels, and help the child or teen take steps toward speech

Ruth Perednik -paying-with-a-boy

These games  include both a verbal and a physical element. When trying to attain a behavioral goal, physical activities or games can lower the intensity and pressure of mastering a new speech goal and therefore facilitate attaining that goal. For example, when the aim of the session is that the child speaks to a classmate for the first time, it is helpful to put it in the framework of a game, such as throwing a ball and saying your name as you throw it. Here are a few games that can help the child within a treatment plan of small steps leading to improved speech and social communication.

Physical – Movement Games

  • Blind man’s buff
  • Red-light, green light
  • Duck duck goose
  • Color tag
  • Blind man’s buff

Ball Games: 

  • Throwing a ball and counting forwards or backwards,  or saying words according to categories
  • Maintaining huge confetti balloons afloat; each time a participant pushes the balloon, a word must be spoken
  • Throwing a ball between participants, each thrower says the name of the person to whom the recipient must throw the ball.
  • Throwing a ball between participants, each thrower says the name of the person from whom he received the ball. 
  • Throwing a ball between participants, each thrower says a sentence or word in a story told sequentially by participants 

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